onsdag 17 februari 2016

DPRK, Skaters paradise?

Recently I have gotten more interested of sports and alike activities, And if you're quite familiar with DPRK, You might have realized that many citizens in the country are very interested in roller-skating.

Ofcourse there is not only rollerskating, It includes a rise of popularity in ice-skating too. Just a couple of days ago the KCTV released footage of many scientists who were part of the KMS-4 Satellite system that celebrated by having an after-work activity in the Pyonyang Indoor Stadium. You could see the scientists celebrating and having fun while skating around the ice rink inside.

But the question remains, What do people think about skating?

I took the time to do some research, And I found pretty much information and footage of skateboarding inside the DPRK. And I have to say I was quite impressed.

It seems as if the population does not skateboard too much. It's very rare to find actual DPRK citizens riding skateboards, But since many tourists have visited, They have been able to show a little bit of the skateboarding. It's quite unknown compared to other sports it has also been hard to expand the skating community there. And let's not forget skateboarding is an american, So they have not been very excited to support that kind of lifestyle.

But Koreas love for sports keeps the spirit alive, And you can find pictures and videos of people skateboarding. And since DPRK has very clean and flat cities, You could find great skating spots almost everywhere you go. I personally have never been inside the country, But I have skated for a couple of years, And I almost see amazing spots in every DPRK video I see. It would be a dream to be able to roll down the streets of Pyongyang on a board and teach others about this cool sport.

To sum it all up, Skateboarding in DPRK is very unknown, But is still very promising. Sooner or later it will show up and get popular, And we'll probably see more skaters over there. But for now, It's  a rare sport.

If you're interested in skating in the DPRK, Check out some of these links

Thanks for reading!

Isak Lundström - 2016-02-17

torsdag 11 februari 2016

Launching the blog of KFA Sweden!

(In swedish down below!)

Hello Comrades. We welcome you to the new blog of the KFA Sweden. As some of you might know, We have been inactive recently but have planned to launch many more activies! At the same time we have recieved a new Official Delegate, Isak Lundström. I have planned to start much more activity both in Stockholm and other places. If you are living in Sweden and you are interested of taking part of these activities, Please email me at : isaklundstrom10@gmail.com (Or add me on Facebook). We thank Chris Hedbom for his service to the KFA Sweden!


Hallå Kamrater! Vi välkomnar er till den nya KFA Sverige bloggen! Som några av är redan vet så har vi varit väldigt inaktiva på den senaste tiden, Men nu är den tiden över! Vi har planerat många nya aktiviteter inom Stockholm och även Göteborg! Samtidigt har vi också fått en ny delegat för KFA Sverige, Nämligen Isak Lundström. Jag har planerat mycket för att få oss att växa och bli mer aktiva. Om du är intresserad av att gå med några aktiviteter eller kan hålla aktiviteter utanför Stockholm och Göteborg så tveka inte! Skicka gärna mail till mig (isaklundstrom10@gmail.com) eller lägg till mig som vän på Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/skateboardsnillet.lundstrom)


Thanks for reading!
Long Live Democratic People's Republic of Korea!
Long Live Marshall Kim Jong Un!

KFA Sweden - 2016-02-11 (Isak Lundström)